View Profile flamewolf-69ner

142 Movie Reviews

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van gore ju bo ti chewcula!

That sentence up there makes as much sense as the movie did.You should've spent more time because it looked pretty goo.It was just too short.If you worked harder on this,it could've of been good.I have no idea how this thing is doing as well as it's doing,by the way.

You killed the wolf!!!!

I hate this movie because it shows a GIRL killing a wolf.I don't even care if it's a GIRL!It's the fact that a wolf died in this movie.Wolves are endangered damnmit,so don't be giving anyone any ideas!
The quality of the movie was bad because it took too long to load and even when it was loaded,it was still choppy.Try harder next time.And I hope you don't kill an innocent wolf ever again in any of your movies.

You mean all we had to do is take Nyquil?!

In all serious,this is a great movie.Excellent work and keep them coming.

This was different...

I've never seen this on NG before.Damn.This is so different.I hope you improve on this idea because it's a great idea and can make a great movie.

Just great,man.Good job.

That was great!Excellent work for both you for the animation and Chris Morris on the concept.it's great to see these types of movies to poke fun at the worlds troubles!

This could of been so much better!

First of all,blood in humans isn't brown.It's reddish.You could of put more sound in this instead of just the background music.Imporve the graphics and sounds and this could be a Pac-Man parody classic.

How ironic.I got nothing to say.

(This sucked by the way[from the mind of flamewolf_69ner])


Fantastic work!This is one of the most amazing war thing I've seen on NG!It's almost as good as the one in Pearl Harbour!Just not long enough.Great stuff!I can't wait for the next one.

Pie. Just Pie.

Age 35, Male



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